Gigs, guitars, and getting out of town

I am so grateful to those who came to the Last Show in Japan. It was so much fun playing there for the last time. John was rocking as always and Rowena...Rowena added this amazing feminine beauty with her voice and flute. I'm really going to miss playing with those two. Solid musicians as well as friends.

I hate having to leave everyone here but I'm glad I could give them one last performance. Brett, the manager at Ocean Deep even did me the great favor of buying my guitar! I have at least 6 others waiting for me in the States...Oh! Les Paul, I'll be there soon!

I have a week left in Tokyo and I'm spending it like a train ride: just get on and let time do all the work. It's amazing how one can make a decision for oneself but then all the events that lead up to or spawn from it seem out of one's control.

I ramble. Pictures of the 3/22 gig will be up soon. Look forward to formalwear! Much love.